Friday, July 18, 2008

New Job and Cool Knives

I accidently got a new job (ask me about it if you haven't heard, it's a funny story). It should be a fun new challenge.  I start the beginning of August.  It is at AmSafe Aviation, an aerospace seatbelt company.  They have a huge production facility here in Phoenix, and are the #1 supplier of aircraft seatbelts worldwide...start checking the back of your buckles when you fly!

Related to this by a distant tangent (stay with me), I've been looking to get a new pocket knife. I miss being without something sharp from my Boy Scout days, but the last time I bought a knife and tried to carry it, it was a cheap 'tactical' knife with huge blade, and I sliced my finger with it pretty badly from being out of practice (it left an interesting scar, I'll try to take a picture of it see below). I think I gave that knife to my dad with blood still on it.
Ouch :(

Anyways, now that I'm not a teenager, I have no desire to carry a giant manly scary looking knife, so I was poking around on one of my forums ( for something more 'gentlemanly' and less likely to cause alarm.  I noticed a knife designer, Chad Los Banos, who designs knives for Boker, responding to people's comments.  This level of interaction was very impressive, and even more intriguing, his knives are available for sub-$30--skirting clost to impulse-buy prices (or easy birthday gift range...ahem ahem wink wink nudge nudge two weeks is plenty of time for ordering things online).

The two knives that interest me the most are the Boker SubClaw and ResCom.  They are both variants of the original Boker SubCom design.

The ResCom (bottom, if you couldn't figure out) is available with a red handle, which I'd love so I could easily distinguish them.  It has a 'blade' optimized for ripping seatbelts and other webbing (which I'll be working with on a daily basis--see, I told you it would tie back in), as well as a serated section for making short work of thicker ropes.  The SubClaw's 2" hawkbill-style blade is great for more conventional knifing duties, and at $26 each for the ResCom, and for the SubClaw at, I'm going to have a hard time not daily carrying both of them.

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